Wednesday, December 12, 2012

New Year, New Life

As the year comes to a close, I like to spend time reflecting on the lessons I learned, things I have accomplished and the things I want to accomplish in the upcoming year. Year 2012 has been a good year for me, nothing really exciting happened but it was just all in all good. Up until this past week. Last week, 2 people I know took their own lives and it turned my heart upside down. I went from knowing absolutely no one who has committed suicide, to having 2 people doing it in the same week. Suicide is a heavy topic and I will talk about that when I have time to process how I'm feeling about that. I still have one more memorial service to attend and hopefully it will bring me some clarity, so I can write about the subject.

So far what I have learned from these tragedies is to LIVE, really live everyday to the fullest. I can admit that I can be quite lazy, sleeping in til noon, staying up late on the internet, not making time for exercise because I would rather watch TV. Just lazy for no reason. Lazy while having a mile long to-do list and goals I want to accomplish. Why am I wasting time? The time we have on this earth is precious and no one knows what happens to them when we go. We can say we know because of our religion, but do we know for sure? No. I pray that the other side is better than this one and has all the things God promises us in the Bible, but what if nothing happens when we die? Or what if it's just not what you expected? Wouldn't you want a second chance to come back to earth and do it all over again, live the life you always imagined?

We may not get that chance for a do-over, so we must do it now. We must be remarkable right now. I know, change is hard but like everything it takes practice. What I have learned in 2012 is don't talk about it, be about it. I used to tell everyone in the world all the great plans I had to do great things, then I never ended up doing them because well...I was lazy. When I didn't go through with my plans I was looked at as the girl who never goes through with anything. That is why I decided to keep certain things to myself or only share them with 1 or 2 close friends. Close friends who are on the same journey as me. Don't share you plans with people who aren't trying to grow, they will only bring you back down. Share with someone who wants to grow and progress just as much as you do. Motivate each other to stay on the right path and encourage each other to be fearless.

In 2013 work on yourself, practice becoming remarkable. Like I said change is hard, but everyone who you may admire or everyone who has accomplished something great worked hard at it and never gave up. I'm sure at times they wanted to quit or had days were they wanted to take off, but they didn't and that's the difference between them and us. What needs to happen in the upcoming year is a lot of brain training. My brain is programmed to be who I am right now, who I have been for all of my life. What I have to do is train my brain to be who I want to become, the woman I want to be for the rest of my life. If you want to be rich, you have to think like a rich person. If you want to be smart, learn what smart people know. It's all going to take time and practice, but if you continue at it and work hard, you will be remarkable.

That is my goal for 2013: to work on myself daily so that I can be remarkable. Otherwise what's the point? Life is too short.

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