The term Oreo speaks volumes about who I am. All my life, no matter where I am, school, work, a party, church, or any social setting, people like to point out the fact that I'm "white". NO, I'm not white...but I "act white". You know I'm that token black girl who has white friends, listens to all types of music, speaks properly, skinny, doesn't use the N word, not a fan of ignorant rap music. Those are most of the reasons I have been called an Oreo in my lifetime. Not just by black people though, I have been called white by most races. I've even had white people say they are more black than I am. Really? Yeah, really.
The non-black factor has plagued me for quiet some time and I have always wanted to write about my feelings towards it. I used to cringe when someone called me an Oreo or white, I never had a response I would just let it eat me up. Now that I've grown older and wiser, I say something. I stand up for myself, because I know who I am and who I'm not. I don't let people bully me into a race that isn't my own. I'm black and proud of it, always have been. Oreo is how the majority of the world sees me, so I'm taking that word and saying "yes you see me as this, but this is who I really am" don't put me in a cookie.
There are many Oreo's of this world which is funny because most Oreo's are alone in their struggles, they are their only Oreo friend. Majority of my friends are black, but they don't get labeled the way I do so they can't relate. Oreo is the platform basis for my blog and I will discuss the social issues I have to deal with surrounding the stigma attached to my name. Not only will I discuss social issues in regards to myself but also the black community in general. Other things I will touch on are fitness, health, music, food; just a little bit of everything. This is a lifestyle blog with chunks of my life incorporated within.
My wish is that people will read my blog, learn, laugh and grow because of my words.
I hope you all enjoy!
TWEET ME! @laneewrites
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