Thursday, October 24, 2013

Excuse Me While I Grow My Eyebrows Back

Most of us girls have been there, the plucking, shaving, waxing and threading. We do all this torture to our eyebrows and most of the time we fill them back in with pencil because they are full of gaps, do to over-plucking. If we do this long enough we will eventually damage our hair follicles and hair will stop growing. This is what happened to me. I used to have amazing eyebrows, thick and dark; I started out just tweezing stray hairs here and there to shape them up. Then I got tweezer happy and following eyebrow trends instead of the "what God gave me trend", I would pluck them really thin, rounded, pointed, the works. A few years ago I grew them all the way back out to their original thickness and boy were they thick!! After a while I plucked at them again because no one else had ridiculously thick brows, so it must be for a reason. I must look horrible. 

 Well it wasn't until recently that I decided to grown them back out and I noticed that certain strands aren't coming back!! I have gappy overplucked brows! So I took to the internet in search of how to repair the damage and to see if I could ever have full beautiful brows again. And the answer was yes, maybe...possibly. Most people said it took almost a year for the dead follicles to be revived. My problem is I'm going to want to a least shape up the brows with a least! But I need to see significant results before I touch anything so I know where my natural arches are, not the ones I've been creating for all these years. Lord, give me strength. 

Okay chickies, according to my investigation your cute self will only need 3 things to make this happen if you're wanting to grow back those gappy brows: 

1. An Eyebrow Brush. 2. Castor Oil. 3. Patience. 

Step 1: Take a before picture of your brows so that you can keep track of the progress. My brows may seem thick to you, but they are naturally way thicker than this (I will try to find a picture). The inner corners (by my nose) have stopped growing completely. You can see traces of hair under the arches with a gap in between. They are shaved down and plucked up, I've taken a lot of hair away. 

 Step 2: Brush your clean eyebrows with your eyebrow brush to stimulate the follicles. 
Step 3: Smooth Castor Oil over your brows with your finger or Q-Tip. Any type of Castor Oil should do, it all works the promote hair growth. I'm guessing anything you would use to make the hair on your head grow will work for your eyebrows too. :-) 
Step 4: Go to sleep...on your back. If you have a man and you already put a scarf on at night, he's not going to be pleased with this new routine either. It looks much worse in person, not cute at all. :-) 

Try to keep this routine up every night until you see significant growth or see the results you desire. Let's hope this works! I will post an update in about a month. Please pray for my strength to walk around everyday with unkempt brows. 


  1. I am so sorry for you loss.... of eyebrows, but I have to admit, I chuckled all through this post. I have VERY thick eyebrows and I completely understand the struggle. For a long time, I had to come to grips with the fact that I don't like how thick they are, but I don't want them nearly pencil thin either. I have found a happy place between accentuating my natural arches through waxing--- and I ALWAYS stress to them that I want them full, not thick or thin..... hopefully, it doesn't take you a year to get yours back to their thickness. :) Good luck!

    1. Hahaha thank you for reading! And yes, this loss has been especially hard for me since I am in fact the murderer lol. Thick brows are beautiful, over-plucking is what happens when keeping up with trends goes wrong. I love that all women can relate to eyebrow problems, it happens.

      And yes, I hope they don't take a year either. The castor oils seems to really be speeding up the growth but my brows look a hot mess right now.
