Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dressing For The Job I Want. Part 1

Tomorrow I start a new job! It's another Administrative job but it's already looking much better than where I was before. This position actually pays me real money and I have to dress up and show up everyday. They require me to work hard and learn new skills so that I can grow within the company and so that I can grow mentally. My last job just required me to show up when I could and wear what I want, because there was no opportunity for growth so they made it as comfortable as possible so I would never leave, even with shitty pay. I'm very excited to be working for a company that expects something out of me, this is exactly what I needed. If I'm going to work in an office I need to feel valued and grown. Before I was the bottom of the totem pole and everyone treated me like a little kid, so I played that role for them. I dumbed myself down and lowered myself to be what everyone wanted. I even dressed like a 21 year old and didn't care much about how I presented myself to the world. I basically just showed up everyday...never on time either.

During the interview with my new manager I asked him what the dress code was for the office and he replied with one of my favorite career tips; he said "the office is business casual, dress clothes and jeans on Friday BUT I always say DRESS FOR THE JOB YOU WANT, NOT THE JOB YOU HAVE". This let me know he expects me to look 100% everyday. My last job, I rarely dressed up and when I did everyone made a big deal about me ACTUALLY looking so nice. This job is going to get me back in the mentality of showing up and being on point everyday. When you look good, you feel good. And I'm ready to look good and feel good everyday. There was a girl that worked in the building of my old job and she could dress her ass off, I would be excited to see her just to see what she was wearing that day. The women admired her and the men loved her, she was on point every.single.day. I would sit and wish that I could do that and that I could be that pretty everyday. It's not that I couldn't, it's that I didn't have the motivation.

Working a dead-end job, with little pay, no one cares what you look like....you stop caring after the depression from work kicks in. Now I have the chance to be that girl, the girl in the building that looks like she gives a damn and takes pride in herself. I think that's mostly what it was, when I go out with my friends I dress like it's my last night on earth. But since I didn't take pride in my job, I didn't take pride in myself while I was there. No one in our office did. Even if no one in my new office cares about how they look, I can't let them be the determining factor for my own looks. Not only do I need to dress for the job I want, I need to dress for the life I want. Even on the days when I feel like "throwing anything on" I know that's not going to make me feel good. Being self conscious about your outfit will ruin a perfectly good day. In and out the office I need to be 100% at all time! New Chapter, New (Same) Me!

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