Thursday, February 14, 2013


While everyone is obsessing over Valentines day I am at home doing homework, hanging out with my dog and his friend (dog sitting) and waiting for Scandal to come on. My dog was extremely sick yesterday so I was feeling really down and I needed a pick me up. What's my pick me up you ask? My pick me up is my favorite movie that I don't own for some odd reason; Happy Go Lucky. This movie instantly changes my spirit I don't know how but it does. Poppy, the lead is ridiculously optimistic and happy the entire film, even when things go wrong she bounces back instantly not letting anything get her down. I love that type of enthusiasm and energy. No other movie has this effect on me, all movies move me in some way but this is the only one that makes me feel really good, happy, joyful...all of that. I highly recommend you watch and enjoy yourself. I paused the movie to write a blog about it so you better watch it!

The driving instructor is a trip!

1 comment:

  1. Is this where you get your name, dear Poppy? I'll have to see if this movie is on Netflix and check it out!

    ~Chymere Anais
