Thursday, October 24, 2013

Excuse Me While I Grow My Eyebrows Back

Most of us girls have been there, the plucking, shaving, waxing and threading. We do all this torture to our eyebrows and most of the time we fill them back in with pencil because they are full of gaps, do to over-plucking. If we do this long enough we will eventually damage our hair follicles and hair will stop growing. This is what happened to me. I used to have amazing eyebrows, thick and dark; I started out just tweezing stray hairs here and there to shape them up. Then I got tweezer happy and following eyebrow trends instead of the "what God gave me trend", I would pluck them really thin, rounded, pointed, the works. A few years ago I grew them all the way back out to their original thickness and boy were they thick!! After a while I plucked at them again because no one else had ridiculously thick brows, so it must be for a reason. I must look horrible. 

 Well it wasn't until recently that I decided to grown them back out and I noticed that certain strands aren't coming back!! I have gappy overplucked brows! So I took to the internet in search of how to repair the damage and to see if I could ever have full beautiful brows again. And the answer was yes, maybe...possibly. Most people said it took almost a year for the dead follicles to be revived. My problem is I'm going to want to a least shape up the brows with a least! But I need to see significant results before I touch anything so I know where my natural arches are, not the ones I've been creating for all these years. Lord, give me strength. 

Okay chickies, according to my investigation your cute self will only need 3 things to make this happen if you're wanting to grow back those gappy brows: 

1. An Eyebrow Brush. 2. Castor Oil. 3. Patience. 

Step 1: Take a before picture of your brows so that you can keep track of the progress. My brows may seem thick to you, but they are naturally way thicker than this (I will try to find a picture). The inner corners (by my nose) have stopped growing completely. You can see traces of hair under the arches with a gap in between. They are shaved down and plucked up, I've taken a lot of hair away. 

 Step 2: Brush your clean eyebrows with your eyebrow brush to stimulate the follicles. 
Step 3: Smooth Castor Oil over your brows with your finger or Q-Tip. Any type of Castor Oil should do, it all works the promote hair growth. I'm guessing anything you would use to make the hair on your head grow will work for your eyebrows too. :-) 
Step 4: Go to sleep...on your back. If you have a man and you already put a scarf on at night, he's not going to be pleased with this new routine either. It looks much worse in person, not cute at all. :-) 

Try to keep this routine up every night until you see significant growth or see the results you desire. Let's hope this works! I will post an update in about a month. Please pray for my strength to walk around everyday with unkempt brows. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I Haven't Had A Breakdown...Yet.

It's approaching a month since I was laid off from my dreaded job, and I still don't have any new job prospects. I'm also 1 month away from moving out of my apartment into a new more expensive apartment alone, with no job and no income coming in to pay the rent. Life sort of just smacked me in the face really hard but I never felt the sting. Moving wasn't my decision, it was sprung on me about a month before my job went kaput. My roommate and her fiance have to move to Florida due to a job promotion. That was all well and fine, it was time for us to separate anyways since I started to crave my own space again. So here I am getting exactly what I wanted in the worst way and I'm not afraid, worried or stressed.

Oh, and did I mention my roommate is getting married in a month and I'm supposed to be planning the bachelorette party which I have yet to start planning? Not that I'm not excited for her but it's the last thing on my mind right now. Living with a stressed out bride when you have your own shit going on is no fun.

I never get stressed about being homeless or lack of money because I know money will always arrive, someway somehow. Normally, what I would stress out and cry about is having a setback. Another setback, 2 steps forward and 1 step back seems to be my life. For some reason this time, I don't see it as a setback but a step forward. Everything that's happening is exactly what I need. God is separating me from the people and environments that I need to get away from. All the things that were holding me back are disappearing from my life.

I hated my job, not only was the pay trash but the work environment was much like high school; middle school in fact. A lot of gossip and drama, I was afraid to be myself in fear of being attacked and talked about. I was never relaxed and constantly on edge. I begged and prayed to get out of there, and God took me out.

My living situation is good for as good as having a roommate can be. No major complaints, but I am better by myself I've come to learn over the past year and a half. When I live by myself I am productive, healthy and active. I have a serious lazy bone within me so having a roommate brings out the worst in me. I have someone around to be lazy and just hangout with. I don't feel the need to go out and socialize much because I have entertainment at home. My eating habits switched to hers and so did my drinking; not that there's anything wrong with it, but when you're by yourself you're more conscious of what you're doing and eating. Plus, drinking alone is no fun so it rarely happens. I'm just a better me all around when I live alone, my only distraction is myself.

So here I am in the middle of a big scary change and I'm okay with it. It's all about listening to God/the universe/whatever you want to call him, and really being quiet so you can hear what he's telling you. If I spent time complaining and being upset over all of this happening I wouldn't understand what was going on. It would be "why, why, why" instead of "thank you, thank you, thank you", my perception would be skewed. I am fully aware of why this is happening, because it needed to happen. Yeah the timing wasn't right for me, but God feels otherwise and said it had to happen NOW. I haven't had a breakdown...yet, and I don't plan on having one either. I plan on getting a new job soon, the right job and having a smooth transition into my new place and a smooth transition into the next phase of my life. I'm super excited!

P.S. Once I am all settled and in order a lot of upgrades and better content will be featured on this blog. I want to be a part time professional blogger. I've been doing this for too long to be half-assing it like this.

Cheers to major life changes!


Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I had to take a break for a while to figure things out. This year has been a learning process, I feel like everyday I'm learning lesson. That simple quote above "The Lesson Repeats as Needed" has been my theme quote this year. I have been praying, asking, believing and waiting to receive all year but all I have been getting back is history. History repeats itself simply because we keep making the same mistakes. So when I ask for love, God brings me all of the men I've have trouble with in the past. The men I couldn't say no to and the men I always run back to. But hey God, hey! I uh asked for a new love, a real love, and I don't think they are it. Matter of fact I know they are not, so please remove them from my life, I understand now that they're not the ones I NEED. Gone. I finally passed that test! Now where's my love? Oh that's right I have to get out of my comfort zone and meet new people since I now have no more old flames to fall back on. I can no longer be comfortable while dating because dating is out of my comfort zone. Okay, I'm ready for the challenge.

I asked God for a new job, repeatedly all day everyday. I would apply for jobs then stop. Train for a better position so that I can be prepared, then stop. I've been working in the same industry, making the same pay, have had the same manager ( at 3 different companies/same boss), working the same position for as long as I've lived in Atlanta...6 years. I complain every time but the fear of starting somewhere new keeps me complacent. A few weeks ago I was ready, I bought a book on how to prepare for an interview, purchased a professional blazer and begged for a new job. A day later I was let go from my job a few days before my 3 year anniversary with the company. Now ain't that funny?

I asked for real love and God let go of all of the past relationships that hurt me. He helped me grow and move on. Then I met someone and went on an amazing date with this man who I initially wasn't feeling and thought he wasn't my type, but I was wrong. He was smart, funny and a gentlemen and the bullet point list of a guy that I wanted. I was myself, but nervous and unsure of myself when I spoke and I felt like I brought nothing to the table. The whole time I thought "fuuuckkk I really like this guy, I don't want to like him". He ended the night with a kiss and I haven't heard from him since. I could spend days, months, years trying to figure out why he doesn't like me but those will all be illusions and nothing real. I will never know and that's okay.

I asked for a new job and God took me out of a bad one. If he didn't do it I would probably still be there a year from now. I finally get a chance to move on and get a job that I deserve. I went on an interview the other day for a job I didn't want. On the way there I was confident and sure of myself, I had the job in the bag. 30 minutes into my car ride, I realized I didn't want the job because there was no traffic and I was still driving 30 mins to get to work. If you live in Atlanta you know that over 30 minutes with no traffic translates to an hour and a half with traffic. Can't do it. When I arrived, I immediately wanted to leave but knew that I needed to go on the interview so I could at least have some practice and you never know, I might end up wanting the position. I bombed the interview, when I tell you I couldn't formulate a complete sentence to save my life..Oh Em Gee! A hot mess. I wasn't offered the job. Even though I didn't want the job, I needed to do better.


See I wanted a good man, then tensed up when God handed him to me. I was prepared for the worst so I didn't bring my best. I'm not saying that's the reason he never called, I'm saying that's the reason I need to be prepared for the right guy. I have all these expectations for my future man, but I wouldn't even date me right now. I need to be prepared for deeper conversations if that's what I want in a relationship. Basically, I need to be able to mirror back all that I expect from a potential mate.

I wanted a new job but wasn't ready for the interview. I bought the book on interviewing and cracked it open a day before my interview! How could I possibly be ready to go on an interview after 6 years if I wasn't prepared for it? I stopped training for better jobs, I'm just relying on my average skills to set me above the rest of the candidates. If I have average skills and fumble over interview questions, how on earth will I stand out above my competitors?

We must be prepared. God has taken away a few roadblocks so that I can move on to a new street. So now it's time for me to do the work. He gave me what I wanted before I was ready, because well I asked him to. And you always get what you ask for whether you're ready for it or not. So prepare yourself for what you're asking, you want to be ready to receive your blessings otherwise you might miss out on them. What you're thinking and doing needs to be inline with what you're asking for. You have to move your feet, you must be ready.
