Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Self Defeating Thoughts, Kick The Habit

We all have negative thoughts when it comes to achieving major goals in life, we shouldn't but we do. These thoughts are going to come up every time God puts an opportunity in your face. We may think "this is too hard, I'm not good enough, I could never be that rich". That's the devil talking my friend.

I was wasting time on Pinterest the other day and I saw this beautiful photograph of a hotel with a beach side pool, there were mountains in the background, white linen flowing everywhere, and the sky and the ocean where competing with each other on who could be the prettiest shade of blue. I thought "Wow I want to go there, I love it, so beautiful...I will never have enough money to go on a vacation to place that nice. If I get there I wouldn't be staying at that hotel." Do you see how my excitement spiralled into I will never be good enough to go there. Not saying that people have nice vacations because they are good, but in my mind the career that I want I won't be able to afford a vacation like that and I'm not a vixen who has a baller husband to take me there either.

Instead of thinking I will never get there, I should be thinking of HOW I'm going to get there. I want to take that vacation, now I need a plan of action on how I will get there. We choose how we live our lives. I want to be rich and I don't want to have to save 3 years worth of pay to go on a decent vacation. Oh and that baller never know. I prefer real love but if that love comes with a couple million I'm not going to be upset.

The point is, we choose our thoughts and our thoughts choose our actions. If I dwelled on every self defeating thought I would just give up because what's the point right? If you know you're not going to live the life you want to live you might as well settle for mediocrity. Again wrong, but that's my new perspective on life now. If I'm not striving to live the best possible life, then I might as well chill out, quit school, work at Popeye's, struggle, stay in the same place for ever and live a half assed life.

That's no way to live, it may not seem like it but we all have the opportunity to turn our lives and our situations around. When these negative thoughts and feelings arise I have to IMMEDIATELY replace them with an opposite thought.

I'm not pretty eyes are beautiful and one of a kind.
I will never have enough money for a vacation...I'm taking my whole family on a vacation.
I'm not fit enough to run a marathon...I will train my butt off and finish first in the marathon.
My business will never get off the ground...I will be persistent so my business will grow. 
I can't afford that house...I'm moving into that house next year. 

If you want good things to happen you have to make them happen. We can't sit around with negative thoughts looming hoping that God will answer our prayers and we wake up with the perfect life. God helps those who help themselves. I have to be honest for the past 26 years of my life I have not been helping myself. I have been waiting and holding myself back from better things. Telling myself negative things and expecting a positive outcome. I learned to build confidence in myself and I surround myself with people who believe in me and believe in themselves, this way I will continue to grow.

“Never say anything about yourself you don't want to come true”

― Brian Tracy

1 comment:

  1. I agree!!! so many times I am guilty of attaching 'I am' or 'I am not' to self defeating qualifications. Even recently, when I doubted moving to my dream city because of current circumstances or outside opinion. Wonderful closing quote to put things into perspective. Make it happen!

    -Chymere Anais
