Thursday, January 3, 2013

Why I Love Rihanna (In defense of Rihanna)

The public can be so hard on Rih Rih, they rip her apart and try to tear her to shreds; operative word being TRY. It seems to me that because Rihanna's super stardom is so big, that makes her one of the most hated celebrities. She's mostly hated on by women, when it comes to my friends it's the black women that hate her the most. My white friends love Rihanna, the black ones find every reason to say why she ain't shit. Don't get me wrong, I love Rihanna but her music... not so much. I have a few favorites that I put on my iPod  but I can't listen to a whole album without getting bored and I will probably never go to a Rihanna concert unless I had free tickets.

I'm not a stan and I don't fight with people because they don't like her, I'm not crazy. Hell I'm barely a fan but there's something about her that I just frickin love! Rihanna is the only celebrity that I follow on Instagram...oh wait I follow Tracee Ellis Ross too, but that's besides the point. Rihanna is the only MUSICIAN that I follow on instagram, that's better. I love Rihanna because she just doesn't give a flying toupee about what people think of her and I love that. I appreciate it and I envy it. Some people say she acts that way for attention or she just wants to be a party girl, but she's in her early 20's she's allowed to be a party girl. Most celebs will get caught doing something "wrong" and they will never do it again or publicize that part of their life. Rihanna basically tells the public everyday to go f*ck themselves because she loves who she is and public opinion wont change that.

Rihanna post pictures of herself smoking weed, in scantily clad outfits, lewd pics of herself at the strip club slapping booty's with $100 bills. She is enjoying herself and she doesn't care if we approve or not. If her parent's don't care, why should we? She's a pop star so she is expected to be a role model, but that's not what she wants. Being a pop star is making her money and it's her passion that's what she does it for, she's not doing it to raise your kids for you. When I was a teen Lil Kim was the  big star, she was nasty and trashy...I loved her. My parents bought me her albums and I memorized every nasty lyric. Was I out dressing like a skank, smoking weed and drinking? Yes, but not because Lil Kim taught me that. Just kidding. I wasn't acting like Lil' Kim because my parents taught me better than that, I knew the difference between fiction and reality. Rihanna may be an influence over some peoples lives but we need to stop expecting her to be a role model. If she was a non famous 20 year old doing the same thing, no one would care because most girls her age are doing the same thing, they just aren't in the public eye for people to judge them.

Another thing I love about her is that she stands up for herself...a lot. Some say she's mean for tweeting mean things to people; but she doesn't bite first, she just bites back. Yeah she's not handling things in a mature way but she puts people in their place and I love that. *squinting my eyes while twisting the ends of my mustache* The average person is allowed to say hurtful things to celebs but when the celeb says something back they are the villain, Really? If you have enough time on your hands to tweet mean things about celebs, then you have enough time to get cussed out by them I'm sorry. She cusses people out who are mean to her and I love it.

Lastly, how can I not love Rihanna's style. That girl has style and changes her look up as much as I change my underwear. Her high confidence is why she is able to pull off every look & hairstyle she attempts. Rihanna owns her looks, that's why so many women change their weave every time she does, from blonde to black, long to bald. She keeps me interested and intrigued, which is hard for a celeb to do when they never go away. There was a time Beyonce never went away and I couldn't stand her after a while...because she's bores me. Rihanna is having fun with her fame and I'm loving her for it.

 "On my Martin shit, you go girl" 


  1. You've a nice blog, I plan to take my time and really check out your posts. I too dig Rihanna because she speaks her mind and refuses to allow her celebrity to dictate her as a person. Not sure if it's 100% Robyn Fenty, but she's very entertaining. I have seen her go HAM on Twitter on someone who somehow doesn't respect her gangster. Lol.

  2. I am #TEAM RIH RIH all day. I am not a stan, but I enjoy watching her evolve in to whatever she is trying to evolve into....LOL! I just enjoy her all the way around. I TOTALLY agree with you on the fact that Bey is TRULY boring. It doesnt matter what she comes out with, she BORES me to the max....I think Bey is beautiful and talented but Im just tired.....
