Monday, January 14, 2013

Just Say No!

I am 26 years old and I am not where I want to be in life. There are many I shoulda, coulda, woulda's looming in the back of my brain but it's too late for all of that and wanting to change the past is a waste of time. I am 26 years old and I'm working on being who I have always wanted to become. Carrie Bradshaw. Just kidding but you know what I mean. When you don't follow the traditional path of go straight to college and get a good paying job, you can very well end up like me. 26, working a dead end job (full time), while in college, paying grown up bills on a college kid salary. It's not easy and it can be very stressful, this path wasn't the best path for me to take but I took it and I have to accept that. Even if you did take the traditional path you can still end up like me with this economy. Everyday I think about how to get myself out of this situation, it could be worse but I want much better and that's my goal. I will no longer allow myself to live this check to check, have fun when I can afford it type of life. I need to be free from sitting at my desk counting the hours and giving away my paychecks every 1st and the 15th. 

 Some of my friends have grew tired of me, they want to hangout all the time and my answer is usually no. It's not even because I can't afford to or don't want to but it's because I'm either doing homework, writing or working out. They see it as I'm being lame. Which is understandable coming from someone who is where they want to be in life or someone who is comfortable in their current situation (which may not even be good). I have fun when I have the time. Even writing it seems lame but I'm not satisfied. The only way to change my level of satisfaction is to do something about it. Author & finacial guru Dave Ramsey says "Live like no one else, so one day you can live like no one else." I live by those words. 

When I'm posed with a question of "do you wanna hang out?" I have to ask myself, did I do everything possible today to get me to where I want to be tomorrow? If the answer is no, then I don't go. Simple as that. Hanging out is fun, but being in the same situation year after year is unacceptable to me. It's hard saying no to friends but I know in the long run it will be worth it. Most women are worried about finding a husband at this age, I'm focused on my career. This is a different time from when our grandmothers and mothers were 26, women now have to work; well most of us do. These aren't the days where we women live with our parents until the right suitor comes along and sweeps us off our feet and into their kitchen to sweep their floors. We have to work to pay for our own floors to sweep until the right man comes along...and we'll still be sweeping their floors; AFTER we get home from work.

Times have changed and as a women your life has to be in order in all areas. Every little compartment of your life needs to be tweeked and taken care of daily. If you are lacking in the funds department you need to be trying to figure out how to increase your income, if you have no friends you need to get out more and at least get 1 friend, if you don't like the way you look I suggest you figure out why and change it (with out surgery). My friendships aren't lacking and my looks aren't issue is my funds and my career. So until that is in order, I just have to say no more often than not. 

What are some sacrifices you've made in order to gain success? Or do you think that you shouldn't have to sacrifice anything? 

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